The Feral Muse: Rabid Animals as Artistic Symbolism

My fascination with the visual tension of rabid animals has little to do with the grim realities of the disease and everything to do with the raw, unbridled energy they represent. As an artist, I’m drawn not to the shock value but to the portrayal of emotions that defy simple description. It’s similar to the conundrum of explaining the essence of the color red—its feeling is known, not through definition, but through experience and association.

The most powerful art invites interpretation rather than demanding it, offering a gateway for audience participation rather than a directive.
It’s about finding the right symbols that whisper an invitation to explore deeper themes. A rabid animal, in its untamed ferocity, can symbolize the wild, unchecked forces of our nature—passions and hatreds that, like the disease, seize us against our will.